Thursday, 19 September 2013

Batman vs. Superman: 5 Characters Justin Bieber Should Definitely Play

The internet was rocked recently when new evidence emerged that Justin Bieber would potentially appear in 'Man of Steel' sequel 'Batman vs. Superman'. After months and months of worrying press releases that made the film look like it was going to be an inept nugget of bat-dropping things are finally looking up for this production.
Batman vs Superman is a project whose pre-production process has been one littered with negative feedback and poor fan-reactions. From the casting of trained, seasoned actor Ben Afflek as Batman to the fact that it had to follow that piece of cinematic drivel Man of Steel we ask the question today how best can Warner Brothers Studios harness the eclectic talent of the famed Canadian artist?

Here are but five suggestions of cherished comic characters that Bieber will no doubt elevate to a whole new realm of perfection.

5. Jimmy Olsen

When you think of Justin Bieber what are the first two words that come to mind? No, not 'lyrical genius' we're talking about the words 'lovable scamp' and therefore instantly any Superman fan worth his(/er) salt will know that the perfect casting for the Canadian singer/ songwriter is the hapless ally of Superman, Jimmy Olsen.

Olsen is a photographer for the Daily Planet, a young man who even had his own comic run for many years under the title of ‘Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen’ in which Olsen would often put on one of many ingenious disguises in order to solve chin-scratching mysteries. We feel that Bieber would update this part into a modern day Hardy-Boy and would even justify an entire sub plot of his own in the film!

4. Robin (Jason Todd)

The second Robin was also the shortest lived. In fact he died in the panels of Batman comics. We think that if Bieber were to be shown dying on screen then the misery levels of the audience would be cranked up to eleven. Bieber is the one actor who could make this deep and fascinating character’s death even more awful!

3. Robin (Carrie Kelley)

Carrie Kelly may be the second Robin on this list but that’s not because we see Bieber as an irritating sidekick, no it’s because Bieber’s sticky-uppy blond hair matches the hair of the young woman who appeared in ‘The Dark Knight Returns’. What’s more, ‘The Dark Knight Returns’ is the book rumoured to be the source material for the ‘Batman vs. Superman’ film, it’s like they planned this!

2. Police Chief O’Hara

Who isn’t aware of the masterfully made Batman television show of the 1960s? Starring Adam West and Burt Ward as Batman and Robin - this series also gave a starring role to another timeless Batman character, Police Chief O’Hara. O’Hara was the sidekick to police Chief Commissioner Gordon and offered many a hilarious anecdote to keep the show lively and fun. We think that the potential casting of Bieber reflects the same amount of care and devotion to the Batman name that was shown in the production of the 1960s Batman series and so believe that Bieber could fill the shoes of the Police Chief nicely!

1. Reporter 1

Not one of the better known characters from Superman mythology but Reporter 1 is an important part in Superman (1978), the original Superman feature film. Played by Gavin and Stacey’s Larry Lamb the nuanced character in fact had no lines but we believe that just for Justin the writers will beef out this part. Adding in a few lines here and a bit of a back story there, whatever the part however we know that our Justin Bieber will bring his A-game and the cinematic world of the DC universe will never be the same again!